Thursday, August 9, 2007

Christianity vs. Islam
Is the Koran Accurate? Ravi Zacharias explains
Robert Spencer on Islam: REFUTED 1of 2
The Truth About Muhammad - Robert Spencer
Robert Spencer is a scholar and has been studying Islam for over 25 years. He is the director of the website and advocates an honest look at the actual teachings of the Qu'ran and the example of Muhammad.The truth shall set you free from your illusion! Why do most of the liberal AND conservative media (and people) fail to focus on this reality. The teachings of Islam clearly sanction violence against non-believers.e.g. even a verse such as ..Whoever kills an innocent soul.. it is as if he killed the whole of mankind, And whoever saves one, it is as if he saved the whole of mankind" [The Quran, 5:32]The term Innocent soul in this case only applies to followers of Islam. So those who oppose Islam or that simply do not accept their prophet are not deemed innocent.Thanks to people like Robert Spencer we can hopefully avoid the naive views of what we are truly up against. An ideology that sanctions killing and conquest within its teachings!Refer to Britains refusal to accept the growing might and ambitions of Nazi Germany before WWII if you want a comparison.
Robert Spencer: The Truth about Muhammad
CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper - American Muslim Reaction to Pope Benedict Comments on Islam
Debate in Malayalam

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